Tuesday 11th February 2025 - First Edition
Make Time for Breakfast


Make Time for Breakfast pledge

Make Time for Breakfast pledge

By signing the European Breakfast Pledge, you agree that:

  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
  • You personally aim to ‘Make Time for Breakfast’ everyday
  • You will aim to be an Ambassador for Breakfast at home, in the office, and in the community

The Breakfast is Best campaign has the following goals:

  • The long term goal of ensuring that by 2020 all EU countries include the importance of eating breakfast in their nutrition policies, and monitor breakfast consumption as a key health indicator.
  • Have ‘Eat breakfast everyday’ added to standard nutrition advice, and include the importance of breakfast in school curricula, and employee health initiatives. 
  • Ensure that the World Health Organisation Europe “Health 2020 strategy”, and European Union actions on health inequalities reflect the importance of eating breakfast to long-term health outcomes.

Full pledge info >>

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534 people have pledged

Become a supporter
and sign our pledge here!

Kick start a healthier lifestyle by signing our pledge today!

Agree to “make time for breakfast” and join us in calling on policymakers to improve rates of regular breakfast eating.

To read more, please click here

I am happy to have my name, organisation and position feature on this website to show support for the pledge

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European Breakfast Day
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Breakfast Quotes

What do you typically have for breakfast?
"I usually have a huge pot of Irish oatmeal with distilled oats. I add a bunch of berries or blueberries in there and a little bit of coconut oil."

Olympic gold metal winner, Nathalie Coughlin

“Without a proper breakfast in the morning, students’ concentration levels and memory are undermined and their educational performance suffers”

Vice secretary general, European Association of Teachers, Hugo Ramon

“Not only does breakfast make a positive health difference – it’s also simply a good habit to get into.”

President European Medical Association, Dr Vincenzo Costigliola

